Beautiful Dentistry

You Can Smile About

Dental implants in Brookhaven, GA, are a durable and reliable solution for replacing missing teeth, whether you are missing a single tooth, multiple teeth or even a full set of teeth. Dental implants consist of a titanium screw, surgically placed in the jawbone at the location of the missing tooth, and a custom-made restoration which is attached atop the screw. This titanium post serves as a substitute for the missing tooth root, ensuring stability for your dental restoration and performing the same functions as your original tooth root in stimulating your supporting bone to promote better long-term oral health and function.

The Dental Implant Process

The first step of your treatment is the implant placement, during which the implant post is surgically inserted into your jawbone. Following this initial implant placement, a healing period is typically necessary to allow the bone to naturally fuse with the biocompatible post.

Once the healing process is complete, our skilled implant dentist will attach the dental implant restoration. This restoration is specially designed to precisely fit your unique smile and can come in the form of a dental crown, dental bridge, or a complete or partial denture. This individualized approach ensures not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing results.

Replace Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

Replacing a missing tooth is not just about appearances; it is also vital for your overall oral health. Dental implants are designed to replicate the look, function and feel of your natural teeth. With proper care and maintenance, they can last a lifetime, providing you with a lasting solution to restore your smile and protect your oral health and function.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you are missing teeth, we invite you to call Gentle Smiles Dental at 770-455-6602 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Shelly Mixson. We will be happy to provide you with more information about dental implants in Brookhaven, Georgia, so you can begin your journey to a beautiful, healthy new smile.

Request an Appointment

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Mixson, and start your journey toward a better smile.